A dynamic, engaging and easily navigated website is simply a must for every business in today’s internet environment. Your clients expect nothing less than a professional and polished web presentation when they visit your website and Deal Studio can build you the exact website you need. Our customized ready-made websites are designed exclusively for business brokers and intermediaries.
Compelling Websites-Visually Appealing and Indexed for Search Engines
Deal Studio websites are more than visually appealing and engaging, as our designs are full of highly compelling content and built from the ground up to be indexed by search engines. After all, the most beautiful and functional website is of limited use and functionality if no one can find it! We realize this fact and work diligently to ensure that every website we provide our clients is indexed for search engines. The end result is that you will capture more web visitors, more clients and more business.
Automatic Content Updates Are Only the Beginning
We not only automatically update your site and blog with current seller and buyer content every week, but also syndicate that content to your social media sites and automate your monthly email marketing campaigns. Our sites will give your brokerage firm the welcoming and professional “front-door” your business needs along with the “back-office” you need to easily control your own site. At Deal Studio, we do much more than create websites. We create online marketing hubs for business brokers that generate interest and serious results!
Highly Stable, Functional Websites Built on the WordPress Platform and the Genesis Framework
The bottom line is that not all websites are created equally. WordPress has consistently proven itself to be one of the best content management systems available. This reliability, versatility and ease of use of WordPress is at the heart of why we recommend it so wholeheartedly to our clients.
Combined with the impressive power of the Genesis framework, our sites are built for search engine indexing. This means you’ll get the kind of results you want, pure and simple. In fact, every layer of your site will be built with search engine indexing in mind. From day one, the site Deal Studio builds for you gets results. We wouldn’t have it any other way!
We have carefully chosen WordPress and Genesis as key tools for very important reasons. The core software is built by hundreds of community volunteers and this fact radiates out in many exciting ways. When you are ready to expand your site, there are literally thousands of highly stable and useful plugins and tools available. These plugins and tools can transform your site into almost anything you can imagine. There are good reasons that over 60 million people have chosen WordPress to power their websites. Learn more about all the great options you’ll have at your disposal at WordPress.org.
As for Genesis, Mashable has called Genesis the “best of the best” among premium frameworks. It should come as no real shock that over 65,000 online publishers trust Genesis to provide a solid foundation for their sites!
Easy Management of Content Saves You Money, Time, Effort and Frustration
You want to focus on your core business instead of dealing with confusing interfaces. This is yet another important reason that we’ve selected WordPress. Part of why we absolutely love WordPress is that this clever software makes it easy to post to your blog, add pages to your site, and manage your business listings. But there is more, as you can add additional users and work with third party plugins with no problem.
Deal Studio Can Handle All of Your Updates
If updating your site isn’t for you, we can, of course, help. Simply email us your changes, and we’ll do all the work for you in a fast and professional manner.
Can You Update Your Website from Your SmartPhone or Tablet? No Problem!
Did we mention that you can even use your smartphone or tablet to update your site? In fact, you can even post content by sending an email. But don’t just take our word for it; watch this short video to see how easy managing your website can be.
WordPress Blog Automatically Updated with Content from BBP
Building a high-quality and engaging website is no easy task, but writing the content is even harder. We fully realize the tremendous importance of rich and engaging web content and have the talented people you need to consistently fill your website with compelling content.
All Deal Studio sites come with ALL the content you need. Simply provide us with the key information about you and your company, and we’ll take care of the rest! Additionally, once we know more about you, we can even help you make the content regarding you and your company more engaging and interesting to your web visitors.
Here are the pages we currently offer:
- Buyer Tutorial
- Buyer FAQ
- Buyer Articles
- Seller Tutorial
- Seller FAQ
- Seller Articles
- Join Our Firm
- Contact us with your own customization needs!
Social Media Integration and Syndication
No matter what business you are in, the role of social media is critical. Social media has become woven into people’s lives and this, of course, means that social media now plays a key role in business as well. Keep in mind that your competitors aren’t ignoring social media. We can help you do more than keep pace. Our years of hands-on expertise mean that we can help propel you far beyond your competitors!
You Know the Importance of Social Media, But Do You Have the Time?
If you are like most business brokers, then you fully realize the benefits and the importance of social media sites, such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Realizing the importance of these sites is one thing, but having the time to create the kind of robust social media presence that you need may be quite another. We can help you post interesting and engaging content to these sites.
Automatic Content Syndication
What if you could post to all of these sites automatically using content from Business Brokerage Press? We’ll post to your blog every week and then syndicate that content to all of the social media sites for you. In this way, you can leave all the social media “heavy lifting” up to us!