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    Includes quarterly tax planning session, annual tax planning, and business tax return (Federal & State).

  • HAA Books

    Monthly bookkeeping of transactions, bank and credit card reconciliation. QBI subscription, monthly financial statements.

  • Counsel Ear

    OMS software included or 1 location with claim MD integration.

  • Gusto Payroll

    Automated timekeeping, 401K integration, expense reimbursement, health insurance integration. For up to 10 employees.

  • HAA Billing Credentialing

    Contract review, annual re-credentialing and additional discounts on all HA claims using HAA manufacturer.

  • Marketing Automation & Website Hosting

    Text message reminders, confirmation, CRM, automated prospect follow up, SEO.

  • Analytics In-Depth Dashboard

    Combining your insurance clearing house, OMS, and quickbooks to give you the most in depth look into your business to make decisions faster.

  • Human Resources

    $500 in Audiology Online or Indeed job ads or any combination thereof.

Ready join the winning team?

For more information on the services and value Hearing Asset Advisors can offer you, please contact us today.